I Tried the Bestselling Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay and Here’s What Happened

The Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay is an absolute best seller on Amazon. With over 25000 reviews, I just had to try it!

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Described as the “World’s Most Powerful Facial,”  I figured this must be amazing! I ordered it and it was delivered less than 24 hours later with Amazon Prime. Amazon Prime also comes with Prime Video which is why I think its such an amazing deal and can’t live without it. 

What is Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay?

This mask is made of calcium betonite powder which typically forms from volcanic ash. It is super fine, incredibly soft to touch and super absorbent which is how it pulls dirt and oil from your skin. This powder has been used for thousands of years for various health benefits. A quick google search for betonite clay brings up tons of results so search away if you’d like to know more 🙂

Preparing the Mask

This product does not come ready to use, you need to mix it. The directions say to mix with apple cider vinegar or water, I went all out and tried it with the vinegar. I used about 3 teaspoons of the powder and just under 3 teaspoons of vinegar. It recommends equal parts of each but I found it a little too watery when mixed equally.

You can see the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay here and the apple cider vinegar I used here.

The instructions say to leave this mask on for 5-10 minutes for delicate skin and 15-20 minutes for normal skin. I’m definitely a sensitive skin girl so I smeared the mixture all over my face and set a timer for 10 minutes. This was my first time trying this so better to be safe than sorry.

After 5 minutes...

Oh My Goodness!! I am fully aware of how unflattering that picture is but honestly, I was feeling pretty uncomfortable and literally couldn’t move my face. 

My face was pulsating like you wouldn’t believe and I felt like my lips were swelling up. I tried to smile but my face was frozen in place by this mask which was drying so hard I felt like my skin was turning to stone. It’s definitely a unique experience.

To be clear, it wasn’t painful at all, just uncomfortable. Honestly, I got a little nervous as this was my first time trying the mask but if I am happy with the end result, the feeling would not deter me from using it again. Reviews I read mentioned the weird feeling so I didn’t panic. I made it though the 10 minutes before gently rinsing it off.

After removing...

My face was red! SSOOO red and blotchy. It felt tingly and warm. Very interesting, hard to explain.

According to the product description, the redness lasts about 30 minutes so I didn’t get too concerned about it. I was more distracted about actually posting a picture of my face online, it’s not something I’m used to lol!

An hour later...

Omg, I love this mask! After the redness faded, which took just over 30 minutes, my skin was so soft and even!  The best part was that the huge pores that I have on my nose were barely noticeable! Minimized beyond belief. 

The Verdict

I have fallen in love with this mask and will definitely use again! Total bonus is that comes in a 1 pound container which will do dozens more applications making it much more cost effective than other face masks that I have used.

The Aztec Healing Clay has a good reputation for a reason. I can honestly see and feel a huge improvement in my skin after just one application. I’m super impressed. LOVE IT!!!!

Have you tried this mask? What do you think about it? Let me know in the comments below 🙂

If you are interested in more beauty products that I love, check out this post.

This also makes a great gift idea for teen girls!

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