how to use a magic eraser

How to Use a Magic Eraser…And 33 Things To Start Cleaning Now!

I am always in awe of the freakish powers of the magic eraser. From the bathroom to the kitchen to your car sitting outside, this beast of a cleaning tool is a must have in every home. If you are not familiar on how to use a magic eraser, you’ve come to the right spot!

awesome ways to use a magic eraser

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My recent experience of washing my favorite black converse shoes is what prompted me to write an entire blog post about using a Magic Eraser.  You see, I didnt realize that the black soles of the shoes would leave black scuff marks all over the inside of my brand new dryer! ugh! 

Hesitant to use any cleaning chemicals on the inside of the dryer, I reached for this awesome cleaning sponge and…voila! Worked like a charm 💖

Scuff marks removed by using a Magic Eraser...

BOOYAH!! Honestly, I was so impressed with the cleaning power  that I had to write about it! 

How To Use a Magic Eraser

Simple….just wet it and wipe! No sprays, no bleach, no diluting, no buckets…easy peasy! It’s ease of use is my favorite thing about the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. 

You can check out the ones I buy here.

Or a more affordable option here

What Can You Clean With a Magic Eraser?

1. Scuff Marks...on almost anything!

Scuff marks on anything-your walls, door frames, baseboards or your dryer (see above)- almost any scuff mark can be easily erased!

2. Crayon

Young artists coloring on your walls or furniture? Don’t fret, a magic eraser will get it off. You can also remove crayon from table top, toys or anything else young creative minds decide to color on.

3. Coffee and tea stains

Ever noticed stains on your tables left behind by drips of tea or coffee? Just wipe these away, no problem!

4. Shoes

Bring your white shoe soles back to life and your runners looking new by running a Magic Eraser over them!

5. Soap Scum

That ring around your bathtub easily comes off without any harsh bleach cleaners. Also use around your sink for a shiny, clean look.

6. Dry Erase Boards

After many uses, dry erase boards and end up looking dull and stained. Wipe them down with one of these mighty sponges and bring your dry erase boards back to life!

7. Rust

The rust around your taps in the bathroom or the drain in your tub can be handles with a bit of scrubbing using this awesome product.

8. Microwave

A microwave can be kept like new by a regular wipe down. If you need a little deep cleaning to get off the baked on food splatter, use a magic eraser to make the job easier.

9. Mirrors

This one surprised me but it does work. I recommend using  a brand new magic eraser on mirrors to prevent streaking.

10. Outdoor Furniture

Patio furniture can be made ready for the summer season quickly and easily. From patio tables to chairs to even the BBQ!

11. Windows

Like mirrors, I find windows are cleanest when using a brand new eraser to prevent streaking. Windows come out surprisingly clean when using a new Magic Eraser!

12. Stove top

Get your stove top sparkling clean with a bit of water and a magic eraser.

13. Oven Hood

Oven hoods get super greasy and grimy. They can be difficult to clean. A magic eraser will definitely help make this task a little easier.

14. Tupperware

Stained tupperware can be wiped clean. Never worry about putting your left over spaghetti in plastic tupperware again.

15. Permanent Marker

This is really quite awesome! Magic erasers cut through permanent marker well. You do need to scrub a little but trust me, it works.

16. Labels from glass jars

Peel off what you can of the label and let the magic eraser do the rest. It not only help get the label off but also the adhesive that left behind after the label has been peeled off.

17. Laptop

Gently wipe the casing and keyboard of your laptop with a magic eraser to get it looking fresh and new again.

18. Window Sills & Baseboards

Old discolored window sills can be freshened up with a magic eraser, same with baseboards.

20. Oven Glass

This one requires a bit of elbow grease if it is really dirty but a magic eraser can be a great addition to your oven cleaning products.

21. Iron

Residue preventing a perfect ironing experience. Your magic eraser will remove that residue and get your iron running smoothly again.

22. Glass Bakeware

Baked on grease and grime will scrub away when using a magic eraser. A little scrubbing is needed but with some time your glass bakeware will be sparkling again.

23. Fridge

Stains, handles, hardened spills…the magic eraser will clear them all. I don’t recommended using on stainless steel appliances though. Find out why here

24. Grout

Grout in your bathroom or kitchen not looking so hot? Use a magic eraser to clean the stains and whiten it up again.

25. Hair Dye

If you are like me and make a bit of a mess when dying your hair at home, keep them on hand to wipe away any dribbles you miss wiping up before they dry.

26. Bicycles

Mud and dust clean off easily with a magic eraser.

27. Headlights

If the headlights on your care are looking dull or foggy, a magic eraser can help shine them back to life.

28. Brake Dust

Brake dust stains on your tire rims can be gently wiped away. 

29. Jewelry

Although not best for your most fine and valuable jewelry, you can try it on less valuable pieces and see how they shine!

30. Leather

Shine up leather goods including purses, furniture, jackets, and more!

31. Cell Phone Case

Cell phone cases get really dirty because they are handled so often. This awesome sponge will be sure to get all of the smudges and  grime off of them.

32. Bathroom Fixtures

Scummy, cloudy shower doors will sparkle! You can also clean grime from sinks and tubs, or make your toilet shine!

33. Your Car's Interior

Use to remove dirt and grime from vinyl and plastic in your car. Try cleaning not only the dashboard but also the armrests, inner doors, cupholders, etc.

Always remember that the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser can be abrasive so test on a small area first if you are concerned about damaging an item.

Want to read more?

Check out our bedroom decluttering post which features a free printable checklist to keep you on track!

Or this post on how to declutter when overwhelmed.

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