how to start journaling

How to Start Journaling and Ultimate Products to Get You Started

Today, I want to dive into a practice that has been a game-changer in my own life and can do wonders for your health and wellbeing: journaling. This post will give you some guidance on how to start journaling along with some products to get you started 📖💗

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out. It is important that we have an outlet, a place to share our thoughts and feelings. That’s where journaling comes in, and it is a superhero for your mental and emotional health! Picture it as a personal rendezvous with your thoughts, a rendezvous that can have profound effects on your overall wellbeing.

Journaling is like a brain dump for me. It’s that magical moment when you transfer all the jumbled thoughts from your mind onto paper. It’s liberating to see your worries, dreams, and ideas unfold in ink, giving you a clearer perspective on the chaos that might be clouding your mind.

But it’s not just about venting; it’s about reflection. Journaling allows you to track your personal growth, set goals, and celebrate victories! It’s a tangible record of your journey, reminding you of how far you’ve come and the hurdles you’ve conquered.


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How to Start Journaling

There is no right or wrong when it comes to journaling, it is truly a personal experience for everyone. However, when learning how to start journaling, the following steps will help you discover what works best for you!

1. Pick Your Journal

Choose a journal that speaks to you. It could be a sleek leather-bound book, a vibrant spiral notebook, or even a digital journal if you prefer typing. Your journal is going to be your trusty sidekick, so make sure it resonates with your style. Consider colors, paper type, and size when choosing a journal. 

2. Find a Writing Space

Find a comfortable space where you can journal without interruptions. It could be a cozy chair by a window, a spot in your favorite coffee shop, or a quiet corner of your room. The goal is to make it a space where you feel free to express yourself and distractions will be minimized. 

3. Set the Mood

Light a candle, play some soft music, or brew a cup of tea…whatever works for calming you. Setting the mood can make your journaling experience more enjoyable and help you get into the right mindset. It’s all about creating an atmosphere that encourages reflection and creativity!

4. Choose a Consistent Time

Establishing a routine can turn journaling into a habit. Whether it’s the morning cup of coffee ritual or a quiet moment before bed, find a time that works for you. Consistency will help you make journaling a regular part of your routine and reap the most benefits.

5. Start Small

Don’t feel pressured to write a novel every time you open your journal. At first, journaling can feel awkward and uncomfortable. Begin with a few sentences or bullet points. You can jot down your thoughts, feelings, or even a quick recap of your day – the beauty of journaling lies in its flexibility.

6. Experiment with Styles

There are no strict rules in journaling, it’s truly just for you! Try different styles to see what feels best. You can consider free writing, gratitude journaling, or even doodling. The intention is to enjoy the process. As you gain experience you will start to carve out your own unique process and style.  

7. Express Yourself

Let your thoughts flow freely. Your journal is a judgment-free zone, only to be seen by you! Whether you’re ecstatic, frustrated, or just feeling blah, put it on paper! It’s a cathartic release, and you might be surprised at how therapeutic it can be 💖

8. Reflect and Review

Once and awhile, go back and read what you’ve written. Reflect on your journey, identify patterns, and celebrate your growth! Your journal is not just a record of your life but also a story about your successful journey! 

How to Start Journaling-Products to Get You Started

I’ve put together a list of products to help you get started. Whether you are thinking about journaling for mental health, financial health, or to capture your life’s experiences, I hope these products will help get you started! 

The Five Minute Journal

The 5 Minute Journal is specially crafted for positive manifestation and improved confidence as you get on with your day. With daily prompts to capture your daily gratitude, highlights, affirmation and self reflection, this journal is a perfect way to soul-search and reflect. This is a great starter journal. 

52-Week Guided Journal

52 thought provoking prompts make this journal great for those with new year's resolutions or for those new to journaling. This journal empowers self reflection and celebrates self -celebration and is a perfect new years gift to yourself or others. Even if mid way through the year, the next 52 weeks can be the weeks in which you bring positive change to yourself!

Self-Care Journal

This self-care Journal is a 3-month guided mental health journal that will help you prioritize your well-being and develop positive daily self care habits. Filled with prompts, open ended questions, and wellness trackers, this book will help you keep a positive outlook and practice gratitude.

Journal Kit

If you prefer to start journaling without prompts, this set is for you! It comes with a notebook, pen, stencils, stickers, washi tape and fine line colored pens. The stickers and colored pens allow for creativity and colorful journal writing which is a unique feature of this set. 

Travel Journal

If you are dreaming of seeing the world, this is the travel organizer for you! You can build your travel bucket list and start fulfilling it, exploring new places and documenting it all. This journal will assist in preparing lists of places to see and things to do, plan travel itineraries along with budgeting.

Typewriter Motivational Quotes

This package comes with 180 pieces of retro typewriting style stickers, perfect for adding motivation to your journal entries. The neutral color tones will easily match any journal styles and themes and will bring a unique touch to your writings.

Lined Journal Notebook

This lined journal notebook has 365 pages  of high-quality ruled paper that will not bleed or smudge. The leather cover provides durability and protection to your treasured journal entries. The large number of pages allows for prolonged use of this notebook.

Budget Stickers

For those who are budgeting in their journal, these stickers are a perfect visual budgeting accessory for you! From stickers for groceries, utilities, and more, there are over 1000 stickers in this set, what a  unique journal addition to consider this year!

Household Chores Planner Stickers

This set includes 8 sticker sheets, totaling 736 stickers! The stickers feature adorable hand-drawn icons and hand-lettered phrases to help log weekly chores such as laundry, grocery shopping, car washing, and more!

Budget Planner

This budget planner will help you keep track of your personal finances by tracking your expenses, savings, and bill payments. The included templates make this easy to use for even the most beginner budgeters.

Food Journal

This daily food journal and wellness planner combines efficiency and simplicity to help you take control of your wellbeing. It includes six months of nutrition and wellness tracking so you can focus on improving your health during that time! The detailed daily pages will help you plan your menus, calculate your daily nutrients, plan your physical activity, and more!

Mental Health Journal

This mental health journal is perfect for those seeking a genuine connection with their self. It serves as a space for self-reflection, personal growth, and true self-awareness. The daily prompts will help guide you through maintaining a calm and present mental state. 

Journal Planner Pens

  This set of  fine color pens is a perfect addition for your journaling routine. Great for adding color and a personal touch to your entries, these can be used for underlining, drawing, writing, and more. Great for you or as a gift, consider these pens for journal use.

In the end, the beauty of journaling lies not just in the words on the page but in the transformative power it has on our wellbeing. It’s a confidential conversation we have with ourselves, free of judgments.

So, whether you’re seeking stress relief, a creative outlet, or a means of tracking your goals, journaling stands as a simple yet successful way to  meet your personalized need.  So, pick up that pen, open that notebook, and let the journaling journey unfold! 

I really hope you found this guide on how to start journaling helpful!

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If you are trying to get your finances on track, check out these products to help with budgeting.

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